Arts and folk crafts collection of Russia
Welcome to Russian Collection Site. It is the project of Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Design and Applied Arts.
The purpose of the site is to exhibit the best samples of Russian decorative and applied arts. The presented collections allow visitors to learn the nature, style and specifics of Russian arts and crafts. They also give a chance to get to know creative techniques and methods of working with different types of traditional Russian materials for the last three hundred years.
Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Design and Applied Arts has been the major art educational institution in the field of monumental, decorative arts and design for almost two hundred years. Here we present the museum collections of the Academy’s branches – the oldest and the most interesting art colleges of Russia. Each college maintains and develops one or several traditional Russian arts and crafts. Each of them combines careful preservation and dynamic further development of old masters’ styles and skills. Both teachers and their students are actively involved in this complex but very fruitful twofold process.
We hope that the Russian Collection Site can be a useful and convenient tool in the study of history, traditions and techniques of Russian arts and crafts. Our greatest aspiration is to facilitate artistic contacts and international creative projects.