Wood Carving
A new style of low relief wood carving – Abramtsevo-Kudrino by name – was born at the beginning of the XX century in Abramtsevo estate near Moscow.  The artists made furniture, household decorations and various houseware in this style.
Wood Carving Department is the oldest department of the college that traces origin to the Abramtsevo carpentry workshop. The workshop was opened to teach peasant children the craft of woodworking. The head of it was Elena Polenova, the sister of the famous Russian painter. It trained highly qualified
carpenters and woodcarvers.
For the 130 years of operation the workshop produced hundreds of unique pieces, many of which are stored in Abramtsevo College collection. Nowadays the students learn to design and perform in material decorative panels, dishes, scoops of various shapes and sizes, boxes, chests, cases, gingerbread boards, salt cellars and sculptures made of different wood species. The simple material turns into true pieces of art due to the rich imagination and skills of students-woodcarvers.  The collection is constantly replenished with new artistic works.